Friday, March 2, 2012


So Wednesday after work, I headed out to Sheckys Girls Night Out with Adrienne.  Its a social and shopping event held all over the country, if you've never heard of it, check them out at  While we always manage to have a good time, we've been a bit disappointed at the last few events.  The quality of the goodie bags have gone waaaayyyy down (but we MORE than made up for that with our V8 smoothie samples!!! LOL --it's a long story!!!☺), there aren't as many vendors, and *gasp* this time there wasn't even as much FREE alcohol!!! I love a free drink just as much as the next girl but standing in  line for a plain 'ol vodka & cranberry is just not my thing!!

But despite this...there was still food, fun, & cupcakes to be had.

Delicious, Decadent $3.30 cupcakes!!! (I'm still mad about that one! What?!?! I'm Cheap)
But aren't they pretty?

We chose White Chocolate Raspberry and Strawberry Lemonade.
Worth every penny!

After making the trek home on the bus, in the rain, I was able to explore my goodie bag.

Like I said before, the quality of the bags have gone WAY down, but I still managed to snag a few decent freebies including a FULL sized lotion, Aveeno and Gold Bond samples, and a Luna protein bar that I cant wait to try, Chocolate Peanut Butter, sounds good!

Girls Night Out!

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