WOW! I cant believe that I am actually 29 years old...only a little over 300 more days to go before I turn the big 3-0. YIKES!! I'm seriously hoping that I totally skip the mid-life crisis that some people experience during such a big event. In all honesty, while I do feel a bit old..I think I'll be just fine (plus it doesn't hurt that I will be the LAST out of all of my friends to turn 30 so HA...I'm holding on to my youth)
8 years ago at the tender age of 21, I could have never imagined my life as it is now.
I've been happily married for over 5 years (6 in May) to the greatest man in the entire world... I am mommy to the sweetest baby ever created... I am a college graduate working towards my masters degree...a homeowner... a bill payer...basically just a responsible adult! And while I am excited to enter into a new phase of my life (my 30s) I am even more excited to live it up during that last year of my 20s. With that being said I have compiled a list of 29 things that I would like to do before I say bye-bye to my youth, lol. Nothing too serious but just some things to help ensure that I love and live my life to the make and take some time for me, for fun, for my family and friends and to help me remember just how blessed I am and have been.
Happy 29 to me!
- Make one new recipe each month. (January's recipe was last nights dinner-Rosemary porkchops with caramelized onions and garlic. SOOO good and super easy to make!!)
- Read 5 new books.
- Participate in at least 2 walks for charity. (I've always done this in the past and plan to continue to support causes that are important to me)
- Plan at least 1 date day/night each month for Mr. M & I. (Even if it just means movie night at home!)
- Try 2 new restaurants during the next Philly Restaurant Week event.
- Get 10 new followers on this blog. (help me out folks!!)
- Make, try, or buy at least 5 ideas/recipes/items from my Pinterest boards.
- Have a professional family portrait taken.
- Take at least 3 more graduate courses. (With being sick and pregnant, I had to drop my Fall's now time to play catch up!)
- Have a real girls night out or in! (complete with drinks and snacks lol)
- Blog at least 2 times each week.
- Organize all of the clothes in my basement/laundry area.
- Plan a summer day trip. (Wildwood, Ocean City, Baltimore, New York or DC)
- Create and stick to a household/family budget. (We need to get back to using the cash/envelope system)
- Re-join/start weight loss program. (Weight Watchers, My Fitness Pal, or just a conscious effort to do better food and health wise)
- Complete C25K.
- Have a girls only day with my mom, sister, and niece.
- Plan an awesome 1st birthday party for my little girl.
- Save up for and plan my 30th birthday vacation!
- Have a family dinner. (on a day other than a holiday)
- Keep my bedroom clean. (basically making an effort to clean/straighten it up at least once a
- Get together with friends at least 1 time each month.
- Wear my hair out/curly more often. (perhaps its time to invest in some cute clips and headbands)
- Hit up a few flea markets/yard/garage sales.
- Buy myself flowers.
- Treat myself each month. (it doesn't have to be, a new shirt, nail polish, etc.)
- Go to at least one show/play/concert/game.
- Make a peach cobbler and serve with homemade ice cream/finally put my ice cream maker to use!!
- Remember to live, love, and laugh.
Sounds fun doesn't it?!? I can't wait to complete and update (and maybe even change) the list through out the year. Hey... you never know I might even add to it...any suggestions??
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