Monday, February 25, 2013


So far so good with my 29 ways to 30 plan...and while I still have a ways to go before my list is complete, I have been actively working on it.

Since January was extremely busy for us (you know with me having a baby and Mr M & I weren't able to go out like we had planned for date night and my birthday (we are definitely still planning a b-day dinner for'll just be a bit a month or so) but we made up for it this month.  We had a 'Valentines" date night on the 16th and spent the evening with my sister & brother in law.  Dinner was great and SO delicious, be sure to check out my last post for the pics...there was also a pineapple margarita involved ;-)

Saturday we spent the evening snuggled up on the couch with the baby, pizza, and a movie.  We kept it old school for the evening and by that I mean
Please don't tell me that we are the only people that still own a VCR!! LOL
Its a dvd/vcr combo player if that makes it any better! But anyway...this movie is soooo good and was well worth the extended internet/amazon search that it took to find it.  We started watching it on TV years ago...missed the ending and it has NEVER been back on...seriously, we've been waiting YEARS to finish this movie!!!
Like January, February's new recipe was a hit and will definitely be finding its way into our dinnertime rotation.  Sausage and rice stew courtesy of Rachel Ray.  It was so good and SO easy to make...let me know if you are interested in the recipe and I'll be happy to share.  Trust me this is a meal that you are going to want to make!
I also planned on buying myself a little something each month BUT lately I've been on a serious serious shopping kick.  I'm talking scouring the internet everyday for things I like, love, want, need, and pretty much will die if I don't get.  I am really starting to think that I have a bit of a shopping problem addiction but the good thing is I always keep it within my budget so neither I or Mr. M (mainly Mr. M) can be mad about it.  I just recently picked up these little cuties...
Although I technically count this as a "work" related purchase. I was desperately in need of some black ballet flats for work and am hoping that these will serve me as well as my last pair.
So that's where I'm at with the list..finishing up my first book for the year and all around just trying to enjoy myself while running on less sleep than I ever thought I could!! lol
What have you been up to this month??

Friday, February 22, 2013

Picture my life.

Apparently all I did last week was eat !! LOL
Caramel apple cupcake. A.MA.ZING!!!
Because it's not really valentines day if there isn't cake involved!!
Dinner....first Friday of lent
A meal fit for a king.  Mr. M's HUGE prime rib !!
Now this is what I call Surf -n- Turf !!!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013


So since I'm currently out of work on maternity leave, I dont have your typical OMG it's Monday blues BUT its such a dark and dreary day today that I cant help but feel a little BLAH, but I have the perfect solution....

Coffee, computer, and book #1 of my yearly goal
and of course....lazy cuddles with the sweetest girl in the whole wide world
Yes, today is gonna be a good day!
Happy Monday everyone.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mail Call

So I'm finally getting around to posting this because lets be much as I LOVE to write about my life...getting sleep whenever I can is soooooooo much more "special" to me right about now.  These every 2-3 hour wake ups and feedings are killing me...but I digress....LOL

Anyway this week was really exciting because I actually got some mail other than bills....and if you are anything like me...that is worthy of a celebration by itself (bills suck)...Mr. M offered to let me pick out my own birthday presents this year which is really nice because he just gives me a limit and I get to pick out whatever I naturally I chose jewelry, clothes, shoes, and all things girly (more about those things later).  Last week I went on an online jewelry shopping spree and just 2 days later all of my goodies arrived...

OH don't we all LOVE the UPS man?!!? Even if he did partially crush my box!! LOL
Opened the box and it was bubble wrap mania....atleast I know my goods were protected!
Just what I needed for the summer....a stack of gold bangles!
Double row gold link bracelet.
I'm PRETTY sure this is my new absolute favorite piece of jewelry...a monogrammed "C" bracelet.
Golden hoop earrings.
Silver and Gold "tribal" earrings.
Golden cross.
And finally a cute picture of everything including a gold horn necklace that I'm still on the fence about...its a bit well A LOT bigger than I was expecting it to be but I'm sure with the right outfit, I might be able to pull it off...what do you think??
My selections definitely didn't disappoint and I cant wait to start rocking all of my new pieces. This was definitely my type of present and what girl doesn't love jewelry?!!? 
Happy Birthday to me!! LOL

Monday, February 4, 2013

Picture My Life.

Laying with daddy.
Sooo addicted right now.....Strawberry poptarts!
How cute is this?? My new cell phone case.
O I've missed you !!
Goodbye January...You were such a SPECIAL month!!
YAY....Birthday goodies from Dunkin Donuts.

Friday, February 1, 2013


So, I have been slacking on keeping up with the 30 challenges of "In The Name Of Shame" but I figure its never too late to pick up right where I left off... plus it gives me something to do and gives you all something to read. So I present #3 - eat whatever you feel like eating.   (Probably the EASIEST challenge EVER!! Lol)
Wings and pizza followed up by Snickers ice my type of dinner and the perfect ending to a Friday night!!

29 ways to get to 30

WOW! I cant believe that I am actually 29 years old...only a little over 300 more days to go before I turn the big 3-0. YIKES!! I'm seriously hoping that I totally skip the mid-life crisis that some people experience during such a big event.  In all honesty, while I do feel a bit old..I think I'll be just fine (plus it doesn't hurt that I will be the LAST out of all of my friends to turn 30 so HA...I'm holding on to my youth)

8 years ago at the tender age of 21, I could have never imagined my life as it is now. 
I've been happily married for over 5 years (6 in May) to the greatest man in the entire world...  I am mommy to the sweetest baby ever created...  I am a college graduate working towards my masters degree...a homeowner... a bill payer...basically just a responsible adult! And while I am excited to enter into a new phase of my life (my 30s) I am even more excited to live it up during that last year of my 20s. With that being said I have compiled a list of 29 things that I would like to do before I say bye-bye to my youth, lol.  Nothing too serious but just some things to help ensure that I love and live my life to the make and take some time for me, for fun, for my family and friends and to help me remember just how blessed I am and have been. 
Happy 29 to me!
  1.  Make one new recipe each month.  (January's recipe was last nights dinner-Rosemary porkchops with caramelized onions and garlic. SOOO good and super easy to make!!)
  2. Read 5 new books.
  3. Participate in at least 2 walks for charity.  (I've always done this in the past and plan to continue to support causes that are important to me)
  4. Plan at least 1 date day/night each month for Mr. M & I.  (Even if it just means movie night at home!)
  5. Try 2 new restaurants during the next Philly Restaurant Week event.
  6. Get 10 new followers on this blog.  (help me out folks!!)
  7. Make, try, or buy  at least 5 ideas/recipes/items from my Pinterest boards.
  8. Have a professional family portrait taken.
  9. Take at least 3 more graduate courses.  (With being sick and pregnant, I had to drop my Fall's now time to play catch up!)
  10. Have a real girls night out or in!  (complete with drinks and snacks lol)
  11. Blog at least 2 times each week.
  12. Organize all of the clothes in my basement/laundry area.
  13. Plan a summer day trip.  (Wildwood, Ocean City, Baltimore, New York or DC)
  14. Create and stick to a household/family budget.  (We need to get back to using the cash/envelope system)
  15. Re-join/start weight loss program.  (Weight Watchers, My Fitness Pal, or just a conscious effort to do better food and health wise)
  16. Complete C25K.
  17. Have a girls only day with my mom, sister, and niece.
  18. Plan an awesome 1st birthday party for my little girl.
  19. Save up for and plan my 30th birthday vacation!
  20. Have a family dinner.  (on a day other than a holiday)
  21. Keep my bedroom clean.  (basically making an effort to clean/straighten it up at least once a
  22. Get together with friends at least 1 time each month.
  23. Wear my hair out/curly more often.  (perhaps its time to invest in some cute clips and headbands) 
  24. Hit up a few flea markets/yard/garage sales.
  25. Buy myself flowers.
  26. Treat myself each month.  (it doesn't have to be, a new shirt, nail polish, etc.)
  27. Go to at least one show/play/concert/game.
  28. Make a peach cobbler and serve with homemade ice cream/finally put my ice cream maker to use!!
  29. Remember to live, love, and laugh.
Sounds fun doesn't it?!? I can't wait to complete and update (and maybe even change) the list through out the year. Hey... you never know I might even add to it...any suggestions??