Sunday, April 29, 2012

Picture My Life.

(me...doing what I do best!!!

(Administrative Assistants Day!!!)

(how I spent a major part of my weekend and tomorrow too!!!)

(Mr. M's custom made headrest covers)

(X's first communion mass)

(Mr. M's dinner---Seafood Cippiano)

(a little prosperity for my desk)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Weekly Weigh In.

Mr. M, the evil scale hider that he is, decided not to bring the scale out for me this morning and although I must admit I was a bit curious to see what the damage was...I agree that its probably for the best.  Last week was ROUGH. Very Rough. And I'm sure the scale would have reflected that.
I know its good to hold your self accountable, but lets be realistic, NO ONE wants to see a bigger number on the scale EVER!!!

So with that being said, the scale remains hidden until next week, when hopefully I will have had a chance to get it together. Yet Again but hey...At least its Friday and that's worth smiling about!! lol

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mail Call.

Yayyy for packages!

I have recently become a bit of a shoe whore and I happily anticipate the arrival of spring and summer a.k.a. sandal weather.  Each year my sandal collection seems to grow almost to the point where I am running out of space...forget a shoe closet, I'm about to upgrade to a shoe room.  So you can imagine how exited I am when not only do I find cute sandals but I find them at a great price!

I got this box o' sandals during a great BOGO 50% off sale...
4 pairs of medallion style flips flops without even making a major dent in my wallet!

Black, Yellow, Pewter, and Coral.
They fit perfectly and will make the perfect, inexpensive, addition to my summer wardrobe!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Its a burrito...

in a bowl filled with dreams.

And you didn't let me down Chipotle.

Apparently I am the only person on this earth who had never eaten at Chipotle, I was always a Qdoba kind of girl, but I got my first taste today and now....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In the name of Shame.

So on the latest blog that I've started stalking (*ahem, reading) (CTAM) I found the following topic/idea that I'm pretty excited to try.  From her explanation, its pretty much a topic a day for 30 days, but just like the author of the blog where it was discovered (CTAM), I'm much too lazy to stick to such a demanding schedule! lol       

I do however plan on covering each of the 30 topics. 


The good, the bad, and the shameless!  




  1. Declare your love for an uncool TV show.
  2. Look a fool.
  3. Eat whatever you feel like eating.
  4. Waste time.
  5. Declare your love for an uncool movie.
  6. Act “girly” or “manly” in a way you’d normally avoid.
  7. Share your efforts at something you don’t think you do well.
  8. Sweat.
  9. Expose something messy or dirty you’d usually hide.
  10. Declare your love for an uncool band.
  11. Dress to show some skin.
  12. Share about a health struggle.
  13. Speak up about something crappy that was done to you.
  14. Hold yourself accountable — not guilty — for something crappy you did to someone else.
  15. Dress, walk, and act like you know you’re all that.
  16. Spend money on a non-necessity or share a financial struggle.
  17. Discuss the reality of your work situation.
  18. Brag.
  19. Share details about a bodily function or fluid.
  20. Talk about sex.
  21. Express a strong feeling.
  22. Set a boundary.
  23. Air one of your secrets.
  24. Share a struggle you have yet to "just get over".
  25. Ask for help.
  26. Make a mistake.
  27. Express a dissenting opinion.
  28. Discuss a failure.
  29. Look a fool.
  30. Name 3 more ways you can live shamelessly and commit to doing them.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Picture My Life.

(all lined up)

(Why YES...that IS an A- on my research paper. ThankYouVeryMuch!!)

(These are going to cause a serious problem!!! ADDICTING!!)

(sitting in the car)

(EVEN more free goodies from school---Lunch on Friday!!!)

(more flowers @ my MIL's...soooo jealous)

(Doesn't Mr. M look like a professional?? Yesterday's bowling trip!)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekly Weigh In.

I don't get it.

I basically bust my azz this past week and got in some of the best workouts of my life (ok, maybe that's a bit of a stretch) but I worked out hard and ate decent all this week and yet this morning when I stepped on the scale, I was up 3 WHOLE POUNDS!!!!!

SERIOUSLY, I do not get it!!!!

And I understand that I could be building muscle (I've been working out more this month than I have in a looooong time) and that there are some other aspects that could be contributing to this gain but still, its frustrating and a bit discouraging.  The scale is definitely not an accurate reflection of my effort this week!

I wont give up (although I will throw a bit of a pity party for myself, that will most definitely involve pizza AND a drink or 5 ☺) BUT I wont give up...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

And this is why...

I love working at a college.

Free Stuff! Yay!

Is it sad that this totally made my day?!?! lol

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I'm not gonna lie....I am addicted to my scale!

I KNOW its wrong but I like to weigh myself everyday (just to get a sense of where I'm at) and whether or not I can stand to have dessert or something of the sort.  Its calming, yet upsetting all at the same time.  Its just amazing that one item in my house can have SUCH an effect on me...It can make me happy or make me said,
just by stepping on it.

And now I am without my own request, Mr. M hid my beloved scale until Friday mornings weigh in and I am going through some serious, SERIOUS withdraw!!! I'm know its for the best but I miss my scale!!!

I'm nervous...I think my eating has been under control (for most of the week) and I've been working out like crazy (well for me anyway) so I'm scared to be doing all of this and having no idea at all if it's working.....

Guess I'm really gonna have to wait until Friday....UNLESS, I tear the house apart looking for it and then put in back in the same. exact. spot where it was?!?!?!  hhhhmmmm...sounds enticing but I'm sure Mr. M wouldn't be happy to know I relapsed!

I can do this...I got this...
(How many more days until Friday?!?!?)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Picture My Life.

(lunchtime supplement)

(FAVORITE grab -N- go sandwich)

(Mr. M's niece taking 3rd in the 100 yard dash-She came in 1st in the 400-BAM!!!)

(Saturday's wedding shower raffle win!! ☺)

Buttermilk Panko oven "fried" chicken
Fresh Kale sauteed with Garlic, Onions, Olive Oil & Bacon
from scratch Garlic Mushroom Risotto)

(and whats dinner without wine?!!?)

(and to finish up....Glazed HoneyBun Cake!)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In.

It really works!!!

Exercising that is...So I recently incorporated more exercise into my life and so far so good.  Even after another extended weekend away from home, a few visits to the casino buffet, Easter dinner and more slices of homemade cake then I cared to count...I'm happy to report that I am still on track and making progress towards my goals.

Needless to say...I'm feeling good!!

TODAY    -2 lbs.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Domino's Review

Growing up, I was never really a big fan of Domino's pizza but ever since they've re-vamped their recipe, I've been slowly warming up to the chain.  I was intrigued by the latest commercials showing off their new Artisan Pizzas and was thrilled at the chance to get one.  ABSOLUTELY FREE.  (You know I love my coupons and I'm greedy so it was a win-win!!) It took a while to decide (I was torn between the Spinach & Feta Cheese and the Chicken Carbonara) but finally I chose the Chicken.

The ordering process was super easy online and I was even able to track my pizza's journey on my cell phone (so geeky-but so cool too) lol
So I knew that at 5:02pm, May had just put my pizza into the oven.

The pizza is smaller than you might expect...but it was the perfect size for me & Mr. M.

(It smelled even better!!)

Once I made it home, I couldn't resist sampling a piece (and by piece I mean a whole slice) before I hit the treadmill (C25K W2 D1...DONE!!!)....The crust wasn't as thin as I thought it would be, but it still had a nice crunch and just the right amount of pizza doughy goodness. 
The slices of chicken were a bit scarce, but each bite that I took, was filled with toppings... cheese, bacon, or diced tomatoes and the blend of alfredo AND marinara sauce was a nice touch.
And the best part...each slice is only 4pts+!!!!

All in all, it didn't disappoint!! And for free, how could I be mad?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's over.

I made it.
And while yes, I managed to somehow consume some of the things I said I would go without (like cookies ☺) I managed to go 40 WHOLE days without one. single. solitary. french fry!! OR peanut butter cracker (and trust me... I was eating them like they were going out of style.)

To mark the passing of the Lenten season, I indulged just a little.....

 I'll be honest, potatoes NEVER tasted so good!!! lol

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Picture My Life.

(view from the couch)

(lemon drop)



(rocky was awesome!!)

(glazed pecan crumb cake)

(Easter dinner)

Weekly Weigh-In

So I decided to weigh in a little earlier last week since Mr. M and I were off for a extended weekend mini-get-a-way!! After busting my azz all week long....the scale was finally kind to me!!!

TODAY (well Thursday)  -3lbs.

I can only hope that next week the trend continues....after the weekend that I've had though, I'm not so sure. Somewhere there is a treadmill with my name on it....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mail Call.


So I know I just shared yesterdays goodies with you....but it gets even better!!!


It is seriously like Christmas in April in my house!! lol  Amongst the goodies was a sample of purex detergent and a book that I really WANT and NEED to read....

I'll be sure to let you know how it is.

Even Mr. M got in on the postal happiness fest....the big box is his!!!!

But I know you really what to know about that beautiful brown box from HauteLook!!  I have recently picked up a serious addiction to the site and for very good reason.

Again pretty basic packaging...

But the contents more than made up for that!!!

I pretty much fell in love with this bracelet from the moment that it "danced" across my computer screen!
Of course I HAD to have it!! lol

It was bigger and chunkier than I expected
and I couldn't be happier!!
This is going to look great this summer!!

Did I mention that I love my mailman?!?!!? lol

Mail Call.

I absolutely adore the sight of packages addressed to me.
 I mean really...who DOESN'T like getting mail?!?

This was waiting for me when I got home yesterday!
And while the packing material wasn't spectacular...

The item inside certainly was...


Dainty and sparkly, its the perfect necklace to wear everyday!
I had been on the hunt for a love script necklace for months and this was EXACTLY what I was looking for! I cant wait to put this into rotation!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Picture My Life.....

(this could quite possibly be the world's largest orange)

(on my way to class)

(right outside my door...each day)

( in dreamland!!)

(bye-bye weeklies)

(red berries)

Matthew 21:8-11 - "Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.
Palm Sunday